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Some odd socks and anti bullying posters for Anti-Bullying Week and Odd Socks Day…Anti-Bullying Week 2024: Choose Respect! ✋✊ pic.twitter.com/gbpaiqsLBm
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We’ve started Anti-Bullying week with a wonderful assembly from Ms Gayle! It’s important that everyone feels happy, safe and respected👍💙😄 pic.twitter.com/dtdww0ArX5
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At Purley Way our Year 5s are having a workshop on online safety and learning about how we can be safe! pic.twitter.com/uIQvj2KEXb
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Purely Way had the pleasure of having the Crystal Palace Brass Band this morning during our Remembrance Day assembly. A time of reflection and gratitude for all those who sacrificed their lives for us.♥️ pic.twitter.com/8Wc5PeYoDi
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Feel free to scan the link to take you to our new Instagram account! pic.twitter.com/DhNW0QKYk3
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🍜🍛 Come join us for our Cultural Food Exchange on Friday at 3:30pm. We will be serving food from around the globe that parents and staff have cooked to share with you! 🥘🧆 pic.twitter.com/9Jcan8ctUE
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We can’t wait to see your cultural dress on Friday for our Cultural Diversity Day! We encourage all children to wear clothes from their culture to school on Friday! 👘🥻 pic.twitter.com/V4R3RwUWTp
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Year 6 had an amazing time at the Houses of Parliament. We even got to speak to an MP!😎 pic.twitter.com/5rQ64TxShZ
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A wonderful, inspiring day! All those who performed should feel proud of their achievements!
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As ever, Harris in Harmony and 2 amazing @HarrisFed students completely stole the show - well done to all students and teachers involved in this. What an anthem! @HarrisFedMusic pic.twitter.com/dR2loRPKIy
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The first group to try out our new climbing equipment and MIGA. Very excited to open this soon! 🏃⚽️🏀 pic.twitter.com/sOAeMMNzHy
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Year 5 learnt all about staying safe and the dangers of knife crime from some of our local Police Officers! pic.twitter.com/gQcYoHJ2cr
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Year 2 had a marvellous time at Purley Library! Wonderful to share stories and show our love of reading!📚 pic.twitter.com/6rXVe4NCOJ
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A good turn out at our PTA coffee morning, where Miss Taylor also talked about the plans for Black History Month! pic.twitter.com/4MKBpZy9Ms
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Some of the children had a Gruffalo themed messy play afternoon today. Scrambled snake and roasted fox to name a few! 🦊🐍 pic.twitter.com/DAXtAWqbIH
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